Monday, November 8, 2010

Graves of My Celebrity Men: C.S. Lewis & Winston Churchill

C.S. Lewis 10 feet under
I never knew that the full name of the famous poet that my friends down at BYU quote in their sacrament meeting talks was Clive Staples Lewis. C.S. Lewis is what I have always known until the day I visited his grave. He is buried in the churchyard at the Holy Trinity Church in Headington Quarry, Oxford. It was pretty cool to see his grave, but more than that it was even cooler to see the church that he worshiped at. I believe that he was a religious man that contemplated the essence of God while getting mixed up in his intellect and philosophy. Some of my new favorite quotes from him that I recently read are:
“What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what kind of a person you are.”

            “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.”

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill could have been buried anywhere in England. He was offered a spot at St. Paul’s Cathedral in the city of London but chose to be buried in his hometown parish churchyard in Blaydon. It was neat to see his grave right next to his wife’s with all of his children on one end and his parents on the other. My professor made a funny comment while we were standing over it. He said, “I bet he is in the spirit world having drinks with Ronald Reagan right now.”   

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