Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Lisa Claire!

Devoured Gu Cupcake from Harrods

Midnight Birthday Surprise

Lisa and I grew up together in the same home ward and have been friends since elementary school. Birthdays have always been a big deal to Lisa and she never fails to celebrate for everyone else. Her 7 roommates (including myself) wanted to do a little something special to celebrate. We are all ALWAYS together so we knew it would be hard to surprise her, but who doesn’t love a good surprise.

We picked up some yummy desserts from Harrods and planned to have the ritual singing and treats in the kitchen around midnight. The struggle was to not let Lisa know what was going on and then somehow get her to come into the kitchen without suspecting a surprise. After some brainstorming we had figured out a plan.

The BYU Centre had been contacted by the U.S. embassy with a world-wide travel alert for all Americans. Our professors had talked to us briefly giving some advice to avoid public political displays and other things to keep us safe while abroad. They said that they would let us know if they hear anything else on what things could be going on etc… When everyone was assembled in the kitchen a few girls were still in our room with Lisa. As planned someone came into the room and told them that we were all meeting in the kitchen for an unexpected update on news about 9/11 from the professors. Lisa claims that she had no idea and totally believed us. When she came into the kitchen we sang to her and shared some delicious treats. It was a fun night and great way to start off a birthday. Happy Birthday Lisa Claire!

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