Friday, September 3, 2010


Les Miserable

My eyes were opened to a new favorite Broadway show. Les Miserable! I have heard excellent reviews about the touching story and rate it a 10 in all around performance. 25 years on and still the world’s most popular and longest running musical. An epic and emotional tale of love and revenge set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, brought to life by breathtaking music and sensational acting. I recommend this show to anyone and guarantee they will enjoy it. If they don’t, I feel bad for them because they are not cultured human beings.

Jersey Boys
Our first Broadway show in London: Jersey Boys! It was about the legendary story of a group of working class boys from the wrong side of the tracks who become one of the biggest pop music culture phenomena of all time. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons brought the music to life on stage.

The second Broadway show in London: Legally Blonde. This show is a huge hit on Broadway here in London. As well as the movie, Legally Blonde tells the story of sorority queen Elle’s journey through law school as she tries to win back her boyfriend. There was added humor apart from the movie that was relatable to the Europeans, I found it to be pretty funny. 

Jersey Boys
Legally Blonde


  1. Miss Devri!! I am completely Excited - Envious - & so dang Proud of you!! I love that you craved to add this to your understanding of life... You can't understand too much when you are sheltered in little ole' Utah! You have much opportunity to be greatful for & Awesome Parents to Thank for that!! Bring it on & Take it in Lady!! We'll miss your sweet beautiful face around for the next 4 months! We love ya! LOVE ~ The Plants

  2. Dev! I love the blog! Way to go you little blogger you! You look like you are having the time of your life! So jealous! Enjoy every moment because it will fly by! Love you lots!
